My Großglockner Resort
My Großglockner Resort

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For better readability, we do not use multiple gender forms at the same time on our website.
All personal names apply equally to all genders and should be understood inclusively and respectfully.


Trail fun at the Großglockner Resort Kals-Matrei: newly created single trails and mountain bike routes await bikers here. Beginners and pros can master the ascent in a relaxed manner with the gondola and concentrate fully on the downhill sections.

A special highlight: the view of the Großglockner as you speed down the various trails.

Gondola ride with bike

Difficulty levels singletrails

Light (easy) - blue


  • Trail condition: firm/grippy surface
  • Obstacles: no obstacles
  • Gradient: gentle/moderate to < 40%
  • Bends: wide to rather tight, but easy to ride
  • Riding technique: no riding technique to basic riding technique required, obstacles should be able to be rolled over


  • Trail conditions: loose ground possible, small roots and stones
  • Obstacles: small obstacles, water channels, erosion damage
  • Gradient: < 40% Bends: tighter bends but still easy to negotiate
  • Riding technique: basic knowledge of riding technique required, but obstacles can still be easily negotiated
Medium difficulty (medium) - red


  • Nature of the path: unconsolidated ground, larger roots and stones
  • Obstacles: shallow steps, steps and stairs
  • Gradient: <=70% Bends: slight hairpin bends
  • Riding technique: advanced, obstacles can no longer be rolled over, but must be overcome using special riding technique (weight shifting etc.)
Difficult (expert) - black


  • Trail conditions: blocked, large roots/rocks, slippery surface
  • Obstacles: high steps
  • Gradient: > 70% Bends: tight hairpin bends
  • Riding technique: very good bike control required


  • Trail conditions: blocked with many large roots/rocks, slippery ground, loose scree
  • Obstacles: Steep ramps, barely rideable steps
  • Gradient: > 70% Bends: eyelet-like hairpin bends
  • Riding technique: perfect bike control (trial bike techniques required), rear wheel offset required


  • Trail conditions: blocked with counter ascents, slippery ground, loose scree
  • Obstacles: Steep ramps, barely rideable steps in combination
  • Gradient: > 70% Bends: eyelet-like hairpin bends with obstacles
  • Riding technique: excellent mastery of special trail bike techniques required, front and rear wheel offset is only possible to a limited extent due to obstacles

Continuous skiing from:

07.12.2024 – 21.04.2025 from 09:00 a.m. - 16:00 p.m.

Outside of daily ski operations between 09:00 and 16:00 pistes are closed and are not allowed to be used. From 09:00 o'clock open these and we will provide you with the latest daily snow report. The panorama boards on site always provide the latest information and are constantly updated.

Open lifts & slopes:

14/16Lifts 27/34Slopes 2/2Valley runs